My clients have
opportunities ...

and sometimes a crisis
with intellectual property ...

businesses with a brand
they want to protect with
a trademark registration

inventors with an invention
they want to protect
with a patent

photographers, authors,
software developers,
architects, and musicians
with works they want to
copyright or license

e-commerce brand owners who
want to use Amazon Brand
Registry to stop unauthorized
resellers or counterfeit products

marketing professionals with
questions about product
endorsements, social
media, paid testimonials, or
advertising regulation

people who get a "troll" letter

When an intellectual
property opportunity

or crisis arises and your
business is on the line

I've got the experience and skills to make a difference.


The United States Patent & Trademark Office (“US-PTO”) grants U.S. patents to fulfill the mandate of Article I, Section 8, Clause 8, of the U.S. Constitution to “promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for l… Read More


According to the United States Patent & Trademark Office (“US-PTO”), “a trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these things that identifies your goods or services. It’s how customers recognize y… Read More


I welcome referrals from attorneys and from firms, perhaps like yours. That’s my niche. Maybe your firm doesn’t have IP in-house, but you have a business client needing IP services. Maybe you are doing a deal, and IP is part of that deal.… Read More

Schedule a consultation Today!

Disclaimer: I am not able to take on all potential clients. Unless and until we sign a written engagement agreement, I am not your attorney and you should not consider me to be your attorney.